Hello Blog World, it's been over a month since I posted anything - very bad of me!!
It's been a very busy month what with one thing and another and I have lots of catch up on!!
I thought I would start from the most recent and work my way backwards, so here is something that I have created this very day!!
I've been thinking for a while how great it would be to have my own wax seal and be be able to put my own stamp onto things, so I have been nosing around the internet and it looks like in order to get your own seal made its going to be around £50 plus all the wax on top of that, and at the moment I really do not have any money to spare so when needs must - make your own with what you've got, so that is what I have done.
Ages and ages ago I made these little clay squares that have the Twndividual Logo on them as I wanted to make molds to make chocolates with.
This time I used them as a Stamp to impress the design into some Polymer Clay and then Cut around it with a small circular cookie cutter in order to make my seal.
Once the clay has been backed, I stuck one side of a velcro dot on the back and the other on the end of a pinflair glue syringe as this was the best handle I could think of. Then I heated up my melting pot and melted some UTEE. When the UTEE was ready to be poured a placed a little Vaseline to asked as a release agent onto my 'seal' the poured a small amount of UTEE onto the craft mat and placed the stamp on top and just let it sit until it had cooled and hardened.
Then I released the UTEE from the seal and Taa Daaa!! It has actually worked pretty well.
Here are some other ones I did, obviously should have used a bit more UTEE but just melted these right down again and reused them
Some of the clay did get stuck to one of them as I hadn't put anymore Vaseline on, so I would say re-moisten your seal for each one you do to ensure that this doesn't happen. But all in all I'm very pleased and can now make completely personalised and unique seals!
I hope you enjoy this and that it may inspire you!!
Speak Soon
Nat -x-